50% off the prices shown below for co-development, in which you provide the bussiness specifications and we develop the software. You enjoy 50% off and we benefit from selling the developed product to other customers.

Effective from 2022-Jan-01

Product # Duration Price (Cdn $) Price (US $)
# 00010 Hourly $300 per hour $250 per hour
# 00011 Daily $1,000 per day $700 per day
# 00012 Monthly $15,000 per month $10,000 per month
# 00013 Quarterly (3 months) $40,000 per quarter $35,000 per quarter
# 00014 Yearly (12 months) $150,000 per year $120,000 per year

We understand developing a new software project is a high risk and high return undertaking. We want to share the risk with you. If you cancel a project for any reason, we will only charge you the close-to-minimum wage rate for the time we have spent.

Please note all signed-off phases of a cancel project is still subject to the full pricing schedule. Difficult Beauty reserves the rights to salvage and revamp a Canceled Project for sale to other potential clients.

Effective from 2022-Jan-01

Product # Duration Price (Cdn $) Price (US $)
# 00001 Hourly $16 per hour $12 per hour

A day has a nominal 7 working hours.
A week has a nominal 5 working days.
50% additional charges for graveyard time between the hours from 9pm to 6am.
A month has all working days except for the weekends and statutory holidays.
Statutory holidays follow that country of the subscribed customer.

Prices include free open-source tools and licences.
Additional charges will be invoiced for licensed tools to match the target platform.
Hardware and hostings are additional and will be invoiced for them.