Co-Funder Program

"Co-Funder Program" lets our customers develop their needed applications and later sell them to other departments in the same company or other organizations in the same industry to recoup the cost of inital development and possibly even make a profit from it.
Do you need an application to solve a problem or increase the productivity of your work flow?
Are you worried about the cost of your great idea may outweigh the benefits you will receive?
Do you want to hire a software technology company to bring your idea to life with minimal financial risk?

Project is subject to approval.
Difficult Beauty Technology will estimate the cost of each phase and its final project cost.
At the end of each phase, Difficult Beauty Technology will review and revise the projected final cost with you to prevent cost-overrun.
If the projected final cost is becoming too great, you have the choice to terminate the project early and pay the almost-minimal wage for the effort spent. See our prices for details.
When the project is successful, Difficult Beauty Technology or you can market the application to others. You will get 25% of what you paid in return. The more copies are sold, the more cost is recouperated.
You may even turn the project into a profitable venture. This is the Co-Funder program.
Enter the Co-Funder program without risk. We do the difficult, you do the beautiful.